Dear family and friends,
I’m writing to ask for your support for my book, by signing up for a newsletter that I’m starting. It’s free. It doesn’t commit you to anything. You’ll simply hear from me this way about once a month.
As most of you know I’ve written a book called When Once Destroyed, an account of my father’s life in the form of a letter to my grandson. I went where the story took me, into a mystery that has intrigued me for as long as I can remember. It will be published next year by Wise Ink Media of Minneapolis.
By including you on a mailing list for news about the book, I can keep you informed about the process. That includes the first day it will be available. After that, I’ll let you know about events.
I’m not a celebrity. I’m not a recognized expert. I’m a guy who was somehow driven to follow a trail that became a book, a book that I like a lot. Wise Ink likes it, too, and astute people there tell me that creating a newsletter like this will help me sell copies, which I’d like to do.
If you sign up for the newsletter, I’ll send you a prize: an insurrection reaction radio essay that was too “hot” to air.